
To Get Ahead in the AI Race, CEE Needs a Better Collaboration Between Academia and Industry

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Our partner Aristos Doxiadis recently gave an interview to The Recursive, as a part of The Recursive’s “State of AI in CEE” report.

In this interview, Aristos discusses the evolution of the investment climate in Greece, noting a rise in venture capital funds and an increase in tech startups, especially in deep tech. Greece, while slightly behind countries like Portugal and Ireland, is growing rapidly in this domain. Factors attracting multinationals and investors include the abundance of educated STEM graduates, a strong diaspora returning to Greece, and a cost-effective talent pool. However, challenges persist, such as the lack of regional early adopters in the corporate sector and the need for startups to seek funding beyond the seed and Series A stages.

At the moment, there is enough funding for the seed stage and Series A. If you go beyond that for Series B, etc., we don’t have many funds in the region focusing on those stages. Startups need to go out. This is a challenge. But if they have good traction and they’ve been able to build a substantial company with Series A funding, it should not be a problem.